Camryn's Senior Portrait Session at the Marblehead Lighthouse on Lake Erie

March 03, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

As a Northwest Ohio senior photographer clients often request portraits on the shores of Lake Erie.  Living within such close proximity to one of the Great Lakes we are fortunate to have access to a multitude of locations that showcase the beautiful waters that are Lake Erie.  Over the last few years I have grown to love shooting both family and senior portraits alike at the ever popular Marblehead Lighthouse.  While the lighthouse itself is a stunning neutral backdrop , there is also an abundance of texture, color, and (if you are lucky) beautiful light that we can incorporate into your portraits!


Oak Harbor High School 2020 Senior Camryn had a wide variety of locations that she wished to include throughout her senior portrait experience.  I was delighted she desired a portion of her portraits to take place at the Marblehead Lighthouse!  Sun kissed and fresh off a vacation I met with Camryn in the later part of August to capture her summer set of portraits.  Camryn is without a doubt an unforgettable girl.  Her unique eyes draw you in and her laugh is infectious.  She is equal parts silly and fierce. Enjoy some of my favorites from my time with this barefoot beauty!



Camryn, I loved being a part of your senior year!  Enjoy these last few months of high school and best wishes for what lies ahead.  


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